Sorbet Slouch in Qing Fibre Supersoft DK / February 2018
Spring Moore | Designer
When I was 7, my grandmother taught me to knit.
She had already taught me to crochet, sew, embroider, and cross stitch. She constantly produced hand crafted wonders for me - an extensive Barbie wardrobe, dresses and blankets for a nursery of baby dolls, beautiful Easter dresses for me to wear. Handmade quilts and afghans to keep me warm long after her death. Christmas ornaments that delight my child as much today as they delighted me when she first gave them to me.
The most important thing I learned from her is not any individual craft - though I knit more than anything else. It is a deep love and appreciation for hand crafted treasures. And I would like to share that with you.
Twisted Craftworks is the most recent route on my maker journey, a journey that has taken me to many places - including an art degree from the University of Pennsylvania, creative director jobs, and knitting mama. The path is winding and the stops myriad and joyful; inspired by a childhood filled with a family of women makers.
So make something awesome - for yourself or a loved one.